50 thoughts on “Boston Terrier Madness IV”

  1. I laugh at people who say Boston Terriers can be aggressive ????????

    Got to be the friendliest dog ever. It's like the part of their brain for anger is missing. My daughter got a Boston Terrier when she was 1. As a kid she would grab ears, startle her, sit on her, etc. My wife said if she ever bites, she is gone… That dog has never even growled. The dog just wants to either play or snuggle up together.

  2. Rudy looks like my dog Truffles, who passed away few months ago. I miss her terribly, this video made me smile -thanks for posting.

  3. I wish I could get my Boston Terrier to understand that other dogs can be fun friends. I don't know what the stupid people who had him first did to him, but he hates animals. My Brutus is PEOPLE ONLY and he seems to love it that way.

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