The Jack Russell is a happy, bold, energetic dog; they are extremely loyal, intelligent and assertive. A Jack Russell can be equally contented bolting a fox or chasing a toy in your living room, or equally adept at killing a sock in the living room or a rat in your barn. Video by Kevin/Petra Vesilik; Music by Brendon Wood

Did the part at 1:59 come from this classic clip :
Cute videos but the banjo music was intolerable
I seriously worry about anyone who would give this a thumbs down.
The most remarkable, loyal, intelligent dog you could ever own.
I grew up with one. And I got a new JR pup last year.
He's my best friend, he lifts me when I don't feel good.
He knows my mood, my form etc.
He's the funniest little man you could ever imagine.
I love him to bits and I'm fairly sure he loves me too.
I can't bear to think of life without him.
My Jack Russell Millie love's her bath, any kind of water in summer on hot days
Such a delightful breed!
Elite Soldiers, have them for 40 years (only 2 as they live 18 years)
What a great lad!
They can’t be calm.
thats cool… but can they pay my Taxes?
I bet the Dog also Edit and Upload this Video
I have a jack Russell myself. best dog I have had since my 2 dachshunds I had since i was 4 died
The Jack Russell Terrorist, if they were 200lbs they would change to food chain. I love these beasts!
I have had 2 jrt in my life and the current one just turned 13 yr old.. I started to give her cosequin and she is almost as agile and feisty as she was as a pup. She is so smart too . I just love the breed. Your story was great it gave me a happy feeling .. thanks for sharing ????
Miss my jack Russell so much. So
happy lively and loyal if only my ex that took him from me was the same 🙁
The best dog ever my best friend love him
My jack russel can only sit and lay down
Jack Russell's can steal you heart in a second. ❤
lost our jr a month ago,her name was chi,she was 20 years old. she died in my broke my heart.
I have a Jack Russell Terrier "Honey". They are not Dogs, they are a Derson. They are like living with a little thunder storm that loves you with every second of their life.
And by the way, they are the "Jack Russell Terrier." The AKC can —- off.
was there a guy who took his jrt sky diving
One thing they can't do: stay calm after they get wet! Haha ????
Miss my little Jack. She was amazing, smart, loving and loyal! We went everywhere together. Bravecto damaged her so badly I had to put a healthy dog down at 14. She could still jump and run. Everyday 3 long walks. Evening off leash good run with a bicycle light attached to her collar.
I have a 8 yr old named Buster. Best dog I’ve ever owned. Love him.
What a cute living missile ????
Fire and forget, search and destroy.
Mission accomplished
If you don’t have a sense of humor and just a little patience don’t get one but they’re pretty frickin awesome and I’m more of a big dog person.