20 Reasons Why The Boston Terrier Is The Best Dog Breed Ever

Are you wondering if a Boston Terrier is the right dog breed for you? Consider subscribing to this channel https://bit.ly/SubscribeBostonTerrierSocietyYouTube

Ok, whether you have a Boston Terrier or you are thinking about getting a Boston Terrier this video is for you. After owning Bella, my Boston Terrier, for over a decade I share my experience as well as what others have experienced with this lovable, All-American Dog Breed.

This video will hopefully give you a class in Boston Terrier 101. I hope it helps you get the Boston Terrier facts you need to make the right decision when you are picking a dog breed for you and your family.

I tried to add enough video and photos of Bella in this video to give you a Boston Terrier dogumentary lol.


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Boston Terrier Society’s Favorites


Dog Food: https://bit.ly/BlueBuffaloSalmon
Dog Treats: https://bit.ly/DoggyDeliriousDogTreats
Dental Chews: https://bit.ly/FreshBreathBoston
Dog Bowl: https://bit.ly/DoubleFeeder
Slow Feeder Dog Bowl Insert: https://bit.ly/SlowFeederDogBowl
Airtight Container: https://bit.ly/AirTightDogFoodContainer


Shampoo: https://bit.ly/DogShampooBellaUses
Grooming Brush: https://bit.ly/DogBrushBostonOwnersLove
Nail Clippers: https://bit.ly/SimilarClippersWeUseOnBella
Toothbrush: https://bit.ly/DogToothbrushRecommendation
Toothpaste: https://bit.ly/ToothpasteRecommendation


Flea & Tick Medication: https://bit.ly/FleaAndTickWeUseOnBella
Pet Insurance: https://bit.ly/PetAssureDogInsurance
Talk With A Veterinarian 24/7: https://bit.ly/TalkWithAVet


Dog Bed: https://bit.ly/SimilarBedBellaUses
Crate: https://bit.ly/SimilarCrateWeUsedWhenBellaWasYounger
Sweater: https://bit.ly/BostonSweater


Puppy Pads: https://bit.ly/PuppyPadsForYourBoston
Car Seat Protector: https://bit.ly/CarSeatProtectorForDogs


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26 thoughts on “20 Reasons Why The Boston Terrier Is The Best Dog Breed Ever”

  1. Have 2 of them and there awesome dogs! The female (tux) is 8 years old and is a quite ,laid back, sweet little dog. My 4 year old (brindle) male with the Haggerty spot dead center on the top of his head is a live wire! He'll keep you laughing all day every day. Drives the female crazy sometimes but their still very close to one another.

  2. I have an 8 year old female Boston named Kalea. She's really smart and affectionate and she understands english and some Greek lol. She's a little Greek-American gentle lady. Boston's are amazing!

  3. I have a 7 year old female Boston. She is very sweet and lovable. Through Covid I thought she could use a companion and tried adopting a rescue dog. My dog would have nothing to do with the other dogs. She barked and wouldn’t settle down, much less bond with the other dogs, which was very unlike her. Are Boston’s more “only children?” Are there breeds they are more tolerant of?

  4. The best thing about my BT is how loving he is. To me and all people he meets. He basically finds a new family every time we go to the dog park.

  5. Moderate energy??? No ???? they are highly energetic dogs. I take mine for 7 miles walk they come back and want me to throw the ball all evening. If not they chase one another. They don’t bark??? Are you kidding me??? Haha they bark they talk they make all kind of noises. They hear everything! Bostons love people and they are a pack dogs. They love kisses, snuggling etc. Here are mine https://instagram.com/yokospuppies?igshid=mmsbuikps24q

  6. My Frenchie has the same markings as a Boston (black and white). Even though I laughingly feign indignation when someone asks me if she's a fat Boston, I have always thought Boston's were amazing dogs. Perhaps one day. lol

  7. i live in new york by west point. I was wondering if you know any reputable breeders. I would like to purchase a female boston terrier. Also i love ur videos they were so helpful

  8. Hi! Fun channel! My wife and I are BT owners. We have Abigale, she's 4 and a rescue. She came to us soon after we had to put our first Boston down, Chauncey. They really are special dogs! Love our BT's and will have them, for a long time to come! Seriously, best dogs!

  9. There is only 1 drawback to owning a BT, they do shed, although the hairs are small, they still shed. Not like some breeds, my parents have a German-Shepard mix, and she sheds like crazy. If she just walks past you, you look like you are wearing fur pants. But we had a BT when I was a little boy, and we also had a Great Dane at the same time. They loved each other so much, and it was funny to watch them chase after cars, George (the Great Dane), and Becky (the BT) would run after cars as they passed our house and George would try to latch onto the back bumper of the car, while Becky would try to bite the rear tires, just so funny! And NO, neither one of them EVER got hurt doing it.

  10. I agree with your list so much. Chandler also never barks, but her eyes are so expressive I know what she wants from her looks. She also tells me she wants to walk by licking my leg and wants to eat by licking my hand. One of the other things that makes her great is her sociability. She loves meeting people, but especially meeting the same person twice. She really is overjoyed to see someone she's seen before; it seems to mean to her they will be in her life. At the university I taught at earlier, she had office hours and she always remembered any student she had met even only before. One graduating senior class included her in the class group official photos. Bostons really are the best.

  11. I love the joy our Jimmy brings to others when we're out and about. He makes people smile, laugh (especially with his "sideways" walk when he's excited to get somewhere), and recall fondly Boston's from their own lives. He always gets noticed.

  12. My Boston Terrier, Levi, is the friendliest dog on the planet. He makes friends with anyone and drowns then in kisses. Although he does have pika, meaning he consumes any object he can fit in his mouth.

  13. My Boston, Emma has made me a lifelong lover of this breed. She’s so emotionally intuitive, snuggly, and her personality is endlessly entertaining! She also gives my Husky, Dakota a run for his money tearing through the backyard with the zoomies!

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