Funny Jack Russell Terrier Compilation

More information about this breed:
Jack Russell Terriers are the biggest dogs you’ll ever meet in such a tiny package. They are spirited terriers, fearless and sassy with minds of their own and aren’t above causing mischief to get a laugh. Check out funny Jack Russel dogs and cute Jack Russel puppies in this compilation.

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29 thoughts on “Funny Jack Russell Terrier Compilation”

  1. A lot of bad upbringing here !! Dog should never growl over his food. Dog should never attack house hold appliances . Lot of dog problems in the future

  2. In these times of turmoil, nothing more relaxing then watching jack russels go crazy. It’s not a rumour they drink 5 espressos before we wake up. ????

  3. My Riley was 20 years old I miss him every day … I have a female Jack that is 15 but she has giant tumors … so far she is ok …. are we ignoring the fact that this jack which is a hunting dog did not go after that fox??? Who has a fox?

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