Here’s a photo of this band –
Just imagine: we saw this kind of games every morning during about two months =)

Here’s a photo of this band –
Just imagine: we saw this kind of games every morning during about two months =)
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LOL ???? one of the puppy really looks like Ares our 10 month JRT
She wants some 'me time' but the kids won't live her alone:)
Mom teaching Jack Russell Behavior 1.01 class
Awww adorable!! I want one!!
They are precious!
Little munchkins
these dogs will srsly play fetch with you until they have a heart attack and die, they won't stop ever lmao
Oh my goodness this is adorable what a good mummy dog ????????
Very cute dog, please check out my Jack Russel here too:
My God what energy Mummy has.
Muito lindos… pena ser muito difícil de achar aqui no Brasil _ Rio de Janeiro.
Jesus the dog mama jejejejjeje is the rabit
This wooden floor must suffer alot with those puppies
JRTs are just ADHD in a doggo body
That is a rough house mama.
The floor is lava and zombies mob you
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